[過去ログ] どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレッド ★2 (1002レス)
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407(1): 警備員[Lv.14] (ワッチョイW) 08/30(金)13:45 ID:ObrlrWAV0(1/6) AAS
I'm afraid I've misled you.
I want the acorns to be hidden by default.
I want the cannon to not fire unless I use a command.
415(2): 警備員[Lv.155][森] (ワッチョイW) 08/30(金)14:25 ID:ObrlrWAV0(2/6) AAS
Thank you
However, there seems to be a bug at the moment
Name field not filled in, but they all look like this
Name field not filled in, but they all look like this
417(2): 警備員[Lv.155][森] (ワッチョイW) 08/30(金)14:31 ID:ObrlrWAV0(3/6) AAS
I forgot sorry
I look forward to working with you
2ch板:livejupiter なんでも実況J
420: 警備員[Lv.155][森] (ワッチョイW) 08/30(金)14:34 ID:ObrlrWAV0(4/6) AAS
We are waiting for the improvement!
Thanks for your time
421(1): 警備員[Lv.155][森] (ワッチョイW) 08/30(金)14:41 ID:ObrlrWAV0(5/6) AAS
good job!!
This means a lot to me
Thank you!!
I have checked only briefly, but the bug in the name field does not seem to be happening.
We have checked the following boards
425(1): 警備員[Lv.155][森] (ワッチョイW) 08/30(金)14:56 ID:ObrlrWAV0(6/6) AAS
Looks like it's fixed
Thanks for the fix
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル
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