[過去ログ] ドングリシステムについて話しましょう ★13 (1002レス)
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(1): 警備員[Lv.13(前10)][苗] 04/13(土)06:17 ID:lGSWjKjA0(1/2) AAS
I think it is necessary to take measures to discourage the use of the どんぐり大砲, which goes against the purpose of the ドングリシステム, and to that end, it is effective to create a risk that there is a probability of failing to use the どんぐり大砲 and becoming Level 0.

However, this risk makes us hesitate to use the どんぐり大砲, even though its original purpose is to prevent trolls from posting. Also, a 復活サービス has been implemented, but since it consumes a lot of どんぐり and is fixed at the maximum level, the higher the level before dropping, the less effective the 復活サービス will be. As a result, the higher the ハンター level, the more reluctant they are to use the どんぐり大砲, which in turn dampens the effectiveness of the ドングリシステム.

Therefore, I propose the following measures to support ハンター who take risks to exterminate vandalism.

If you directly hit a target with a low hit rate with your どんぐり大砲, you will receive more aどんぐり as a reward.
(e.g.) IDs that have been posted 5 or more times in 3 minutes.
(e.g.) IDs that have been posted 5 or more times within 3 responses before and after the target response.

Using the どんぐり大砲 increases experience points gained per hour for 3 minutes, regardless of success or failure.
995: 警備員[Lv.13(前10)][苗] 04/13(土)06:17 ID:lGSWjKjA0(2/2) AAS




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