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115: ! 03/07(木)06:34 ID:xAD7Ax0c0(1/3) AAS
Yuji Matsuzawa spends much of his time researching Internal medicine, Endocrinology, Adiponectin, Obesity and Adipose tissue. His Internal medicine study combines topics in areas such as Gastroenterology, Hyperlipidemia and Cardiology. His study in Endocrinology focuses on Diabetes mellitus, Insulin resistance, Adipokine, Body mass index and Insulin.
116: a 03/07(木)06:39 ID:xAD7Ax0c0(2/3) AAS
Yuji Matsuzawa spends much of his time researching Internal medicine, Endocrinology, Adiponectin, Obesity and Adipose tissue. His Internal medicine study combines topics in areas such as Gastroenterology, Hyperlipidemia and Cardiology. His study in Endocrinology focuses on Diabetes mellitus, Insulin resistance, Adipokine, Body mass index and Insulin.
117: 03/07(木)06:42 ID:xAD7Ax0c0(3/3) AAS
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