[過去ログ] If BBSPINK is included in ID, she is a venus.2 (580レス)
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(1): i ◆JACK.277o. 2014/10/30(木)15:18 ID:Z9C7TZmY(1) AAS
I stayed to the hospital in 2 times, August, and September.
1 time of them was the dengue fever of topic at that time.
I am eating a lot for physical strength recovery.
(1): 【豚】 【5.5m】 ○ ◆BBSPINKNNTEA 2014/11/01(土)08:31 ID:xzfq9s5s(1/2) AAS
>>567 Good morning JACK-san.

I have not been sent to hospital to a hospital for two months.
I think that it was very painful.
And 1 time is dengue fever.
If I want you to become fine early, it is wishing you.
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