[過去ログ] If BBSPINK is included in ID, she is a venus.2 (580レス)
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(1): ● 【28.5m】 ◆BBSPINKAys 2012/11/12(月)08:18 ID:c4pT0eYV(1) AAS
Good morning ladies and gentlemen and ERO-san.

>453 Thanks.

>455 Thank you for showing a photograph.
In order to fix glasses yesterday, I went to the optician's shop and went to the next supermarket after that,
but there was no Christmas tree.
Instead, much 'Pocky' was placed.
And I have not found jasmine tea yet.
I met nobody with the acquaintance, when he went out yesterday.
It is great to meet Jim-san at a dentist -- it is accidental.
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

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