[過去ログ] If BBSPINK is included in ID, she is a venus.2 (580レス)
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271: ● 【39m】 ◆BBSPINKAys 2011/12/17(土)18:17:21.23 ID:DCoirYBd(1) AAS
Good evening ERO-san, Jim-san and Kemono-san.

The temperature of the its room became a single figure.
I cannot bear half a year also, either.
(1): 【豚】 ● 【28.6m】 ◆BBSPINKAys 2012/05/01(火)21:51:50.23 ID:ps8z12br(2/3) AAS
Good evening ERO-san.
Let's try, !omikuji.
360: 2012/06/26(火)16:37:18.23 ID:mHQTGsdH(1) AAS
desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu
394: 【中吉】 ● 【31.6m】 ◆BBSPINKAys 2012/08/01(水)22:50:00.23 ID:ckq3q0bd(1) AAS
Good evening ERO-san.
(1): ● 【10.5m】 ◆EROyVmNwwM 2012/10/25(木)17:05:09.23 ID:wisrhxNn(1) AAS
Good afternoon BBSPINKAys-san.

I hope your good health. Are you OK now?

The typhoon has visited the Philippines now.
However, in Manila, it is only raining.
(1): ● 【ぴょん吉】 【23.9m】 ◆EROyVmNwwM 2012/11/01(木)11:20:35.23 ID:WH89XQwF(1) AAS
Hi BBSPINKAys-san.

It is hot today. While I was walking to the office, I got sweat.
I like the Philippines. There are good climate and wonderful people there.

It has many kinds of delicious food in autumn of Japan. I remember that season.
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