[過去ログ] モララーのビデオ棚 in AA長編板その186 (1002レス)

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195: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:18 ID:kzBl1pZN0(4/24) AAS

In 1967-the year before Planet of the Apes was released-yet another husband-wife team,
Allen and Beatrix Gardner, decided to give communication experiments another try.
But they went with a different approach: rather than spoken language,
they would teach a chimpanzee named Washoe American sign language.
Washoe-who wore clothes, sat at the dinner table,
brushed her teeth and played games-quickly began to learn and seemed to understand the meaning of the signs.
A few years into the project, the Gardners moved on to other work and gave their adopted chimp daughter to a primate center.
But scientists there continued to work with Washoe,
and by the end of her life, she had learned around 250 signs and had even taught her son to sign.
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