英語の汚い表現挙げてけ (38レス)

35: 2023/06/12(月)12:30 ID:L93zv9PtG(1) AAS
・He is a purist. He doesn't have a capacity to think in an original way.

original : able to think of or make new and creative things.
36: 2023/09/10(日)11:32 ID:nHXUt8EvK(1) AAS
・We can no longer be surprised by the frailties of our political leaders.

frailty : the lack of strength or health.
          weakness of character that causes a person to do things that are morally wrong.
37: 02/08(木)18:35 ID:oo2z/pTOo(1) AAS
hypocrite : a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right
       but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.
38: 02/26(月)10:40 ID:YX04MvcYo(1) AAS
rhetoric : language that is intended to influence people
                 and that may not be honest or reasonable.
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